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Showing posts from May, 2021

My One Year Student Loan Payoff Update

  January 28, 2022 marked my one year anniversary of paying off my student loans . Reflecting back on choosing to pay off my student loans leaves me with several take a ways that I want to share with you! In September 2020 I decided to become debt free by utilizing the debt snowball method to pay off all my debt. Before this I had struggled to save and really understand basic financial principles. As a first-generation college student, I received a scholarship to attend undergrad for free, but the scholarship did not cover summers. During the summers I took out student loans to cover costs without paying interest rates or how much I was taking out. By the end of undergrad I had amassed a little under $17K. Fast forward to graduate school I received another scholarship that covered my education. At the time I was a teacher in a new very expensive city and I had missed the cutoff to have my paycheck last me throughout the summer. So, I decided to take out a loan for two summers to ...

Should I Pay My Student Loans?

  This past week an article came out stating that student loan forgiveness was not in President’s Biden annual budget. I know many of us were like say what now? A few months ago, I did a video on student loan forgiveness as around that time Biden had given the Department of Education’s secretary a task to write a memo regarding if he could cancel student loan debt through executive order. There have not been any updates on that memo and this latest article that student loan forgiveness is not in Biden’s annual budget has somewhat put the writing on the wall that this may not happen after all. Figure 1: This is a thumbnail from my latest YouTube video on Should I Pay My Student Loans? I have an inquisitive look on my face next to a photo of Biden.   I have a student loan balance myself and $10K would basically forgive my debt with a little left over. However, I am unsure if this will happen so I have decided to pay up until I hear otherwise. I actually paid off my second st...

Adult Daily Living Skills: Shopping at Dollar Tree

  This past weekend I met up with the owners of a residential home for individuals with disabilities to talk about offering a few services for their residents. Before I stopped by, I decided to swing by Dollar Tree to pick up a few things to do a quick demonstration from a recipe in my new eBook. As you know, I am on a debt free journey and I don’t spend anything that I don’t need to. This can definitely be easy to do when everything is a dollar! With my cash envelope in hand and my list on my phone, I decided to record a video of how I typically shop at Dollar Tree. Figure 1: This is a thumbnail of my YouTube video on Adult Daily Living Skills: Shopping at Dollar Tree”. When shopping you want to ensure that, your list is easily accessible to help you in sticking to your budget and not being sidetracked and forgetting something. You also want to shop at a store that you are familiar with this way you can easily find where things are without getting lost or frustrated. Also, be ...

Summer CARES Act Funding is Here! See How Much I Got!

  Summer CARES Act funding is here and I actually got an amount! In case you forgot the CARES Act is federal funding for students enrolled in higher education who have been affected by COVID. This money can go towards books, tuition, or any other school related materials. How do you apply you ask? On my universities home page there is a link to apply in big red letters located at the top of the page. If your university does not have this, I would recommend contacting your financial aid office to ask.       Figure 1: This is a thumbnail from my YouTube video on Summer CARES Act Funding where I am looking at an emoji of money with a surprised look. Now there are some requirements. You must be enrolled in summer courses, have been affected by COVID, and you must apply. It does not matter which summer semester you are enrolled in or how many hours you are taking. The process to apply was very easy, after completing a short questionnaire form I received an email saying ...

Adult Daily Living Skills: Using Nair (Grooming)

  As a Special Education teacher, I would have parents often ask me about ways to groom their students i.e. hair removal, hair care, and other things. Many of them were worried about their students hurting themselves or using too much of a given product and making a mess. I would often recommend things like Nair, a hair removal chemical that for the most part is safe but would require some supervision. I like Nair because it is quick, cheap, and does not require a lot of work. I typically use Nair every two weeks on my underarms, legs, and top lip (yes, Ms. Duggan has a mustache!). Figure 2: This is a photo of the thumbnail for my YouTube video on Adult Daily Living Skills: Using Nair (Grooming) Now although Nair is a great product to use there are somethings that you should be aware of. Keep in mind that Nair is a chemical, has a strong smell, and should only be left on for no more than 6-8 minutes. If you are someone, who does not like strong smells and has sensitive skin this ma...

Should I Take Summer Classes in College?

  Summer courses are starting next month and many students are undecided if they should take a few courses. I typically take courses during the summer as I do not want to forget anything important from what I’ve learned during the typical school year and it keeps me on a schedule. If you are someone who is unsure on whether to take summer courses there are several things for you to consider. Summer courses are shorter and the class times are longer. For example, the summer semester will be a typical 12-16 week fall/spring semester jammed into 6-8 weeks. Most times classes are held for 1-2X a week for 2-3 hours. This is why I strongly caution students from taking harder classes like the upper level math and science courses. You should only take GPA boosters like electives or other easy to pass courses. Figure 1: This is a thumbnail from my YouTube channel on Should I Take Summer Classes in College? I am looking up at the sun with sunglasses on the top of my head. If you are planning...

The eBook is HERE! Purchase Below!

  That’s right guys my eBook is finally here! You would not believe how hard I have worked on this over the last several weeks. The purpose of this book is to provide Adult Daily Living Skills for individuals who want to or already live independently. The book has six ADLs with an activity and lesson plan for each. I also have an accessible copy for all of my folks who utilize screen readers. Be sure to send me an email with proof of purchase at and I will be sure to send you the accessible version for free. I hope to write a more in depth book with even more ADLs in the near future so be on the lookout! Now where is that coupon code? Check it out below! Figure 1: This is the cover of my eBook. I am standing in the kitchen smiling with my arms folded while wearing a white top and pink skirt. Coupon Code: Ms. Duggan Link for eBook Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Subscribe to My YouTube Channel  

Adult Daily Living Skills: Microwave Safety

  Many of us have that one time we put something in the microwave that we were not supposed to. I can remember a time when I put a package of Olive Garden breadsticks in the microwave while they were still inside of the FOIL lined package that said “DO NOT place in microwave!” Thank God, I didn’t leave the kitchen or I may not have seen the sparks flying inside of the microwave. The burnt mark left behind inside of the microwave was a constant reminder of this catastrophe.   There was also the time (about two weeks ago) when I placed a shiny rose gold disposable plate in the microwave at work that had the words “Do NOT place in microwave” written all over the back. I may have missed the smoke billowing out if I had not been standing there! Figure 1: This is a photo of my thumbnail for my YouTube video on Adult Daily Living Skills: Microwave Safety where I am standing in front of the microwave holding foil and a foil lined oven pan.  Microwave safety is so important so tha...

Maximizing your Summer as a College Student

 With last week being finals week at the university I work at the summer has officially started for students! The summer is a great time to re-charge and get ahead on your goals especially if you aren’t taking summer courses. This last week on my YouTube channel I talked about how students can make the best out of their summer.  Figure 1: This is a thumbnail from my YouTube channel on Maximizing your Summer as a College Student.  First things first if you don't already have a job look into getting a summer job to stack some cash for the upcoming year. A summer job doesn't have to be within your planned field of study your just trying to secure some extra cash! The summer is a great time to work increased hours so you can hit some of those financial goals that you've been waiting on. Next look into studying abroad. With COVID restrictions being rolled back many countries are now opening back up for tourists. Studying abroad would give you a rich cultural experience to add ...

Adult Daily Living Skills: Breakfast Smoothie

  What do you typically eat on a Saturday morning? Are you a big breakfast with all of the works type of person or do you play it safe with a granola bar?   This past Saturday I wanted something quick, easy, and healthy so I decided to make a smoothie. Smoothies are a great way to get all of your nutrients in one meal without having to do a whole lot. All you need is milk, fruit, and yogurt. I typically like to use almond milk, an assorted frozen fruit mix, and whatever yogurt I have on hand. Figure 1: This is a thumbnail for my YouTube video on ADL: Breakfast Smoothie where I am drinking a smoothie and showing the ingredients that I used.  In case you didn’t know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I am shocked when I hear people say that they don’t eat breakfast. When you don’t eat breakfast you take on the chance of overeating throughout the day to make up for not having an earlier meal. You also starve your body, which is not a good thing. A smoothie is a...