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Showing posts from January, 2021

My One Year Student Loan Payoff Update

  January 28, 2022 marked my one year anniversary of paying off my student loans . Reflecting back on choosing to pay off my student loans leaves me with several take a ways that I want to share with you! In September 2020 I decided to become debt free by utilizing the debt snowball method to pay off all my debt. Before this I had struggled to save and really understand basic financial principles. As a first-generation college student, I received a scholarship to attend undergrad for free, but the scholarship did not cover summers. During the summers I took out student loans to cover costs without paying interest rates or how much I was taking out. By the end of undergrad I had amassed a little under $17K. Fast forward to graduate school I received another scholarship that covered my education. At the time I was a teacher in a new very expensive city and I had missed the cutoff to have my paycheck last me throughout the summer. So, I decided to take out a loan for two summers to ...

Tax Tips for Students 1098-T

  (This a photo of a mock 1098-T Tax Form used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video on Tax Tips for Students (1098-T.) It’s tax time! By January 31, 2021, your W2 will be sent to you so that you can file your taxes. Of course, there are many tax deductions however, it is up to you to figure out which ones may be best. If you are a student, you should be receiving your 1098-T any day now to assist you in securing one of two tax breaks. In case you were wondering, a 1098-T is a form that reports how much you or your parents paid for tuition or other expenses. You will only receive this form if you have paid at least $600 in expenses toward your education without including scholarships or any other assistance that did not come out of pocket. Your educational institution will provide this form to you by January 31, 2021. It is usually available in the section where you can make your tuition payments on your school’s website. That’s where I was able to find mine. Once you have printe...

Adult Daily Living Skills: Cleaning the Kitchen

(This a photo of me holding a broom, sponge, and cleaning spray used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video on Cleaning your Kitchen.)  What do you typically clean first on a Saturday morning ? I start with my kitchen before moving to the living room. It’s the first place that people see when they come over and it’s where I spend a lot of time throughout the week. I personally think the kitchen should be one of the cleanest places in your home after all it is where you eat ! Imagine going into someone’s home and seeing their kitchen was a mess I wouldn’t feel too comfortable about eating there. Here’s a few tips when cleaning the kitchen: 1. Thoroughly clean your dishes with soap and water.  2. Clean the countertops with a disinfectant.  3. Don’t forget to shine and polish your appliances . I use a glass foam cleaner from Dollar Tree. 4. Check the fridge & throw away any old food. 5. Sweep and mop the floors . Be sure to get in the cracks of those appliances !  Wann...

I Have a Disability What's Joe Biden Doing for Me ?

  (This a photo of me with an inquisitive look and a photo of Joe Biden used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video on "I have a Disability What's Joe Biden Doing For Me?".) Today is January 20, 2021 Inauguration Day. So many people have EAGERELY waited for this day. It almost feels like Christmas if you ask me and I’m sure most of our nation feels that way! Whether you are hoping for student loan forgiveness, tax breaks, or climate control improvements there is a consensus that the tides have finally turned in our country for the good. As I was sitting in my office, I was wondering what is Joe Biden doing for individuals with disabilities? That led me to do some digging on his webpage to see if any prospective policies had been put in place and here’s what I found: 1.       Ensure full inclusion   of PWDs in policy development while enforcing civil rights. 2.       Guarantee access to better healthcare that includes mental heal...

Adult Daily Living Skills: Washing Clothes

(This a photo of me standing by a washing machine used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video on washing clothes.)  Washing clothes can be a real chore especially when you have to travel to the laundry mat. Strangely enough I actually enjoy going and washing clothes. I feel so accomplished after! I remember teaching my roommate in undergrad how to wash clothes because she had never done it before . While it is fairly simple there are some rules that you should follow.  1. Sort your clothes by color.  For example, there should be a pile for darks, whites, & colors. 2. Don’t over fill the washing machine. It could damage your clothes. 3. Choose your wash cycle before starting the machine. Are you washing on delicate or normal ? 4. Use the measurements on your laundry detergent’s cup so you don’t use too much. 5. When its time to dry don’t go crazy with the dryer sheets. 1-2 should be fine. Check out the video below for more tips ! SUBSCRIBE HERE:   Adult Daily Li...

First Generation Scholar Tips

  (This a photo of a picture that says What is a First Generation Student? used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video on grocery shopping.) Being a first generation student is a huge deal that deserves all the recognition life has to offer. I should know because I was one! The amount of drive it takes to navigate the higher education system sometimes with little to no direction is not an easy feat. In case you did not know a first generation student is the first person in their family to attend college. Many times these students are lost in the shuffle and experience many difficulties. I wanted to drop a few helpful hints for any first generation scholar in hopes of combating some of these barriers. 1.       Get to you know your academic advisor they are the gatekeeper of many programs on campus that could make your journey much easier. 2.       Some programs to be aware of are TRIO, The Counseling Center, Student Disability Servi...

Adult Daily Living Skills: Grocery Shopping

(This a photo of me standing outside of Aldi used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video on grocery shopping.)  So since COVID I’ve mainly done the bulk of my grocery shopping online via Be sure to check out my online shopping video on my YouTube channel. But I do from time to time go in the store to pick up what I like to call maintenance items. These things consist of bread, butter, eggs you know the main ingredients that assist you in making other things . After work this past week I decided to stop by Aldi to pick up a few of these items. I absolutely love Aldi it is affordable, clean, & a smaller grocery store which makes it easier to navigate. Here are a few tips when grocery shopping: 1. Always bring a list and be sure to check off the items as you go.  2. Shop at a store that you are familiar with so that you can easily navigate the store.  3. Utilize the signs at the top of the aisles to see where things are located.  4. If you can’t find somet...

I have A Disability Do I Receive A Stimulus Check ?

  (This is a photo of a stimulus check and money used as a thumbnail for my video on "I have a Disability do I Receive a Stimulus Check?" Have you gotten your stimulus check? You have probably heard that a thousand times in the last week. I know I have! Earlier this week I read an article that spoke about individuals with disabilities and their need for more financial resources during the pandemic. As you know, COVID has shined a light on our most disadvantaged populations with the disability community being one of them. Reading this article got me to thinking about individuals with a disability who receive SSI/SSDI and the latest stimulus checks. It is important to note that individuals who receive SSI/SSDI are receiving a stimulus check. By now, we know the checks are $600 and some individuals have already received theirs. But what if your payee receives your check and not you? Do you have a right to ask any questions about this? Yes you do! You always have the right to a...

Adult Daily Living Skills: Cleaning your Garbage Disposal

(This is a photo of a dirty garbage disposal catcher used for a thumbnail in my Adult Daily Living Skills: Cleaning your Garbage Disposal)  Happy New Year ! With the new year here now is the time to clean all those things you haven’t got to in awhile. I started with my garbage disposal this past weekend and it wasn’t as bad as I’d thought but there was some work that needed to be done. When cleaning your disposal you’ll need: soapy water with a hint of bleach, ice, lemon, & some stainless steel cleaner. Start by soaking the disposal catcher into your soapy water and letting it soak awhile. Then place about 2 cups of ice inside your disposal to sharpen the blades and remove any buildup. I also added some lemon to freshen up the drain after doing this. Next you'll want to clean your disposal catcher that you left to soak for awhile. Lastly, clean and polish the sink with foam cleaner by using a paper towel and cloth . Check out the video below for all the details ! Be sure to sub...