January 28, 2022 marked my one year anniversary of paying off my student loans . Reflecting back on choosing to pay off my student loans leaves me with several take a ways that I want to share with you! In September 2020 I decided to become debt free by utilizing the debt snowball method to pay off all my debt. Before this I had struggled to save and really understand basic financial principles. As a first-generation college student, I received a scholarship to attend undergrad for free, but the scholarship did not cover summers. During the summers I took out student loans to cover costs without paying interest rates or how much I was taking out. By the end of undergrad I had amassed a little under $17K. Fast forward to graduate school I received another scholarship that covered my education. At the time I was a teacher in a new very expensive city and I had missed the cutoff to have my paycheck last me throughout the summer. So, I decided to take out a loan for two summers to ...
( This a photo of me meditating with my hands in a praying position and another photo of me with my hands massaging my temples used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video on De-stressing after a Natural Disaster.) De-stressing after a natural disaster is beyond necessary to get yourself back on track. After last week’s snowstorm, it took me a few days to get back into my normal routine. In today’s culture we have a “if you fall off get right back on and keep going” state of mind. Nevertheless, sometimes we need a break and a moment to reset. Staying in a shelter to keep warm and being without a power for a few days will definitely warrant a break! While it was not the easiest experience, it honestly was not the worst. If you have ever experienced a tough situation, you know how important it is to not become overwhelmed. Here are a few of the things I did to keep my spirits up: 1. Stay busy! I kept myself so busy by completing schoo...