Many of us have that one time we put something in the
microwave that we were not supposed to. I can remember a time when I put a
package of Olive Garden breadsticks in the microwave while they were still
inside of the FOIL lined package that said “DO NOT place in microwave!” Thank God,
I didn’t leave the kitchen or I may not have seen the sparks flying inside of
the microwave. The burnt mark left behind inside of the microwave was a
constant reminder of this catastrophe. There was also the time (about two weeks ago)
when I placed a shiny rose gold disposable plate in the microwave at work that
had the words “Do NOT place in microwave” written all over the back. I may have
missed the smoke billowing out if I had not been standing there!
1: This is a photo of my thumbnail for my YouTube video on Adult Daily Living
Skills: Microwave Safety where I am standing in front of the microwave holding
foil and a foil lined oven pan.
Microwave safety is so important so that you don’t burn down your house, place of business, or destroy your microwave. When microwaving items you want to make sure they are microwave safe. You can do this by turning it over or reading the package of the item you are microwaving. If it says, “Do NOT place in microwave” then that is an indicator that you shouldn’t. Things that are lined in foil or are metal do not go in the microwave. Sometimes you may not notice these things so be sure to inspect your item carefully.
Figure 2: This is a photo that says not microwave safe with a red line through the middle.
However, microwave safe items such as Tupperware, paper items, and some plastic items can be placed in the microwave. If you are unsure about what to place in the microwave ask someone to avoid any mishaps. You also want to make sure that you clean your microwave on a weekly basis or after any spill. I would recommend you purchase a splatter cover, which helps to keep your microwave clean. Be sure to drop down in the comments to let me know about any of your microwave stories! Check out the video for more information on how you can practice microwave safety and for more information about my upcoming “Adult Daily Living Skills: What’s the Big Deal?” eBook!
3: This is a picture of my eBook Adult Daily Living Skills: What’s the Big
Deal? I am standing in a kitchen with my arms folded in a white shirt and pink
Daily Living Skills: Microwave Safety
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