I got a refund! When I got the email notification that
I would be receiving a refund my excitement went through the roof! This is the
first time that I have received a refund since undergrad! In case you’re wondering,
a refund is the overage from your financial aid that you receive once
everything has paid out. With this being the summer semester and funds being
limited I was not expecting this at all.
Figure 1: This is a thumbnail of my latest YouTube video on I Got a Refund! What Should I Do With It? Where I am looking excited!
The extra money that I received came from a summer
grant and CARES Act funding. Since I had already paid my tuition fees for this semester
I was able to receive a total of $632 of FREE money! Free money means that I do
not have to pay any of this back and it is mine to use as I please! You’re probably
wondering well how did you get a grant when funds are limited during the summer?
Did you apply for this? While I did apply for the CARES Act funding, I did not
apply for the other summer grant that I received. I assume that it was likely
overage from not as many students being enrolled during the summer or from
students that did not meet a certain set of stipulations that I just so
happened to meet.
I plan to use this money to further my debt free
journey by pushing it towards my student loans. When you receive any type of refund
you want to make sure that it is put towards any goals that you have that will
help you to reach your ultimate purpose. Right now, my purpose is to become
debt free so that I can create a legacy for my future family. So don’t just
blow it on a vacation or something that you don’t need! Did you get a summer
refund? If so, how are you spending it? What financial goals are you currently working on? Drop down in the comments and let me
know and be sure to check out my latest video on the topic!
Got a Refund! What Should I Do With It?
Coupon Code: Ms. Duggan
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