a photo of me with my hands placed on each of my cheeks while looking surprised used as a thumbnail for my YouTube video
on $3,753.53 of Credit Card Debt Gone!.)
I paid off $3,753.23 of credit card debt in SIX MONTHES! I honestly cannot believe it! I am free of credit card debt! I keep checking my balance to see the number zero and it feels so good. In August, I decided that I wanted to pay off a few things but by September, I had found Dave Ramsey (debt free guru) who motivated me to dump debt period! Since September, I have been “gazelle intense” by sticking to a budget, cutting out my wants, and staying focused. Reading up on financial literacy from Dave and Suze Orman have also really helped me to broaden my own knowledge in this area, which is something I have never done before.
Changing my mindset about money has been the biggest factor. I no longer view money with fear or as a pain in the butt. Have you ever cringed at the thought of looking at your balance? Yeah that was me too! Now I see money as a tool that I can control to build wealth and change my family tree. In chapter five of Orman’s “9 Steps to Financial Freedom” she says, “Respect attracts money”. I have not found this to be more true in the last several months.
When I started respecting my money (and acting like I had some sense!) I have seen blessing after blessing from groceries, to gift cards, and bills being totally forgiven I mean it is has truly been a world wind. I owe it all to Christ, thank you Jesus! I currently have three items left on my journey before I am completely debt free. I plan to keep you all updated along the way. Be sure to leave a comment with any questions or advice on how you’ve tackled debt. See ya never credit card debt! Check out the video below for more information on what my journey has been like!
SUBSCRIBE: Adult Daily Living Skills: I Paid Off $3,753.53 of Credit Debt in Six Months!
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