January 28, 2022 marked my one year anniversary of paying off my student loans . Reflecting back on choosing to pay off my student loans leaves me with several take a ways that I want to share with you! In September 2020 I decided to become debt free by utilizing the debt snowball method to pay off all my debt. Before this I had struggled to save and really understand basic financial principles. As a first-generation college student, I received a scholarship to attend undergrad for free, but the scholarship did not cover summers. During the summers I took out student loans to cover costs without paying interest rates or how much I was taking out. By the end of undergrad I had amassed a little under $17K. Fast forward to graduate school I received another scholarship that covered my education. At the time I was a teacher in a new very expensive city and I had missed the cutoff to have my paycheck last me throughout the summer. So, I decided to take out a loan for two summers to ...
(This is a photo that says "Keep calm it's nearly end of semester".)
As the semester begins to draw near if your like me your starting to feel it. Everything is due and your just trying to keep a handle on things. With so much happening at once here’s a few quick tips to get you through:
- Check your grade portal & ask questions !
- Tie up any loose ends by completing all assignments.
- Are you a student with a disability ? If so, don’t forget to utilize your accommodations .
- Communicate with your teachers or professors by email, Zoom, or a phone call.
- Now is not the time to slack off because of the holidays go harder !
- Practice self care. Do some yoga, read a book, or watch your favorite show !
Want to know more about how I'm handling the end of the semester? Check out the link below!
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Your Semester Strong
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